If you’ve encountered incorrect or outdated road information on Uber Maps (such as a road that’s missing, mislabeled, or inaccurately placed) you can report it to help us improve navigation accuracy. Common road-related issues include wrong road names, incorrect road placements, or roads that are closed but still appear on the map. By reporting these errors, you help ensure smoother trips for both customers and delivery people. Follow the steps below to submit details about the road issue and help us update the map accordingly.
You can find types of road information issues to report and what to include for each issue below. Thanks for helping to improve Uber Maps!
If a road is missing from Uber Maps or a new road hasn’t been added yet, reporting it ensures that all routes are accurately reflected.
When reporting this issue, please provide the correct road name and location to help us update the map quickly and improve navigation for customers and delivery people.
Sometimes roads may appear on the map but with the wrong name, leading to confusion for navigation. If you’ve spotted an incorrect road name, report it along with the correct name and relevant location details to help us update it accurately on Uber Maps.
If a road is mapped incorrectly—whether it’s in the wrong position, direction, or connected to the wrong streets—you can report the issue to have it corrected.
If you’ve encountered a one-way road that is incorrectly marked on Uber Maps—either as a 2-way road or with the wrong direction—this can cause serious navigation issues. Reporting the problem helps ensure delivery people follow the correct routes.
When reporting this issue, please provide the road’s name, location, and the correct one-way direction to help us update it accurately.
If a private road is incorrectly shown as accessible on Uber Maps, or if a public road is mistakenly marked as private, this can confuse delivery people. Reporting these issues helps avoid unnecessary detours.
When reporting this issue, please provide details about the road’s name, location, and its correct status to ensure proper updates.
If a road appears on Uber Maps but is inaccessible to vehicles (for example, pedestrian-only streets, restricted areas), this can lead to route errors for delivery people. Let us know if there are roads you can’t drive on that are incorrectly marked.
When reporting this issue, please include the road’s name and details about the restriction to help us correct it.
If a road is marked as closed on Uber Maps but is actually open for use, reporting it helps keep our maps accurate for delivery people and customers. Whether it’s a road that has reopened after construction or an incorrectly closed route, we want to help.
When reporting this issue, please provide the road’s name, location, and details to assist us in updating it.
If a road that should be closed due to construction, safety reasons, or any other restrictions is still shown as open on Uber Maps, it can cause routing issues.
When reporting this issue, please include the road name and details about the closure to ensure accurate navigation.
If a turn is incorrectly restricted on Uber Maps, such as a legal turn that’s marked as prohibited, this can cause unnecessary detours. Report the issue to help us update turn permissions and improve routing.
When reporting this issue, please provide the road names and details of the intersection where the turn should be allowed and the name of the road to turn on.
If Uber Maps suggests a turn that isn’t possible due to restrictions or road design (for example, a no-left-turn or a physically blocked intersection), report the problem to prevent future routing errors.
When reporting this issue, please include details about the road and intersection where the turn is incorrectly suggested.
For any road-related issues that don’t fit into the categories listed, you can still report the problem. This might include incorrect road types (for example, a one-way street marked as 2-way), intersections, or any other discrepancies.
When reporting these issues, please provide a detailed description of the issue along with location information to ensure it’s addressed.
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